Mirror by Sylvia Plath
I love this one, but it hurts.
I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.
What ever you see I swallow immediately
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.
I am not cruel, only truthful---
The eye of a little god, four-cornered.
Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.
It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long
I think it is a part of my heart. But it flickers.
Faces and darkness separate us over and over.
Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me,
Searching my reaches for what she really is.
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.
I see her back, and reflect it faithfully.
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands.
I am important to her. She comes and goes.
Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.
In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman
Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish.
Sylvia Plath was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on October 27, 1932. She spent part of her short life in England, and married the English poet Ted Hughes. In 1963, Plath published a semi-autobiographical novel, The Bell Jar, under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas. Then, on February 11, 1963, during one of the worst English winters on record, Plath wrote a note to her downstairs neighbor instructing him to call the doctor, then she committed suicide. She was the first poet to win a Pulitzer Prize after death.
I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.
What ever you see I swallow immediately
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.
I am not cruel, only truthful---
The eye of a little god, four-cornered.
Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.
It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long
I think it is a part of my heart. But it flickers.
Faces and darkness separate us over and over.
Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me,
Searching my reaches for what she really is.
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.
I see her back, and reflect it faithfully.
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands.
I am important to her. She comes and goes.
Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.
In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman
Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish.

I would love to know more about the context of this poem. It sounds to me like this was written during a hospital stay, and I wonder if the woman who visits her is a nurse, a psychiatrist, or her mother. I suppose it could have been her daughter?
Thank you for posting this. Sylvia Plath is my favorite poet. One may have guessed that by my blog name "Ariel Rising."
Beautiful, and disturbing.
damn, i do believe that's the best poem i've ever read.
i have to go check out the bell jar now.
I'm afraid I don't know the context, but here are some opinions that might help clarify the poem for you:
As I read it, the speaker in the poem is literally a mirror. Initially, it seems to be your basic hanging mirror and in the second half it becomes a lake (which, of course, also reflects).
A mirror is an interesting choice for a speaker because, in real life, a mirror can't lie. Of course, in a poem it can.
You could read the woman who visits the mirror--and whom the mirror judges--as Plath, but that's not clear.
Don't forget that Plath authored both characters (mirror and woman) and is thus present in both. She has created and determined both. I actually think she's more present in the mirror than the woman. You could read the two characters as different aspects of Plath's personality, in which case she's viciously judging herself.
All that said, the poem leaves room for many reasonable interpretations. What do all of you think?
i don't necessarily believe that this is specifically about plath, but only because this could apply to any woman on earth who owns a mirror and struggles with her own aging. i think that's why it's painful to read, because we can all identify with it.
i think there's some pretty severe beauty in the way i am made to identify with the mirror in this as well...it's so lonely and it seems to regret being so truthful with the woman.
Thanks, Ginger. Good thoughts.
I have read quite a bit about Plath's life. In my readings I have found her to have judged her mother and herself most viciously.
I am fascinated by the central lines:
"Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me,
Searching my reaches for what she really is."
I think it is a reference to the Greek myth of Narcissus drowning in his own reflection. SP is usually so precise with her metaphors and the image of the mirror being flat felt to clumsy to be a mistake.
I can still remember reading Sylvia Plath in school.
Thanks for the memories.
Silver and Exact. Perfect.
I thought your poem mirror was really inspiring. Liz
Well I to but I about the post should have more info then it has.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
As i read this poem, it really got to me. We can't escape ageing. And mirrors everywhere remind us of that. Plath captures the truth and forces us to open our eyes to it.
A new stanza is supposed to start at "now I am a lake"
the poem is easier to read it it is set up that way
I hadn't read Sylvia Plath before. I was doing some reference work when I came across this poem and was stunned by the use of imagery in it. I couldn't get over the poem .The poem is in fact a true mirror of what a middle aged woman thinks or feels about her appearance - a time when a woman's hormones play havoc with her and she is very low on self -esteem. I simply loved it!!
this is an exllent poem this is very inspiring to all others
what is the main idea in this poem?
what is the main idea in this poem?
Mirror is simple a woman as Sylvia Plath reconizing herself in el personal asserts. She comphrends the world she is in without dissociating her personality, the mirror became just her characteristiscs keeper, later I can observe her self-appreciation when the mirror is replace by a lake her personality had acquire a larger view of her achievements. So, Sylvia be seems for a Dr. a bipolar, but so far from its opinion, she isn't bipolar, her personal perspective enlarge from the depths of refletion had taken her to a higher stage. Sylvia is simply truth, sweet and crude.
Macanoly V.Q.
love it! nice !!
This is one of the best poem....In this poem poet describe that mirror is only one source which show the real condition of society or people...realy its very nice
Im writing a paper on plaths poetry and how it is affective for modern readers please take a look and give me some constructive critism thank you very much
i would be much obliged if you would go onto my page and check it out
I am doing a report on Sylvia Plath in school and i have got to say that she is in much ways like me... In her ways of writing and thinking. I use a overwhelming amount of symbolism and imagery. I hope i ace my report!
Not respecting the poem's format made it lose its shape, which was symmetrical and very important since the second part is from the POV of the mirror.
In the print version the second line is: What ever I see I swallow immediately. That makes a great deal of a difference.
There are so many ways to interpret this poem - I wondered if it did comments specifically on her relationship with Ted Hughes. Does anyone know if she was in a relationship with him at the time this was written?
There are so many ways to interpret this poem - I wondered if it did comments specifically on her relationship with Ted Hughes. Does anyone know if she was in a relationship with him at the time this was written?
There are so many ways to interpret this poem - I wondered if it did comments specifically on her relationship with Ted Hughes. Does anyone know if she was in a relationship with him at the time this was written?
The speaker is indeed a mirror, one that has the ability to think no less, who is recounting it's life, it's purpose, to show what it sees exactly, without bias, without prejudice. The tone of its narration is almost melancholic, lonely at times, especially when the mirror mentions the wall, and how it believes it is a part of him (can we say him?).
The woman, is simply a woman, who often goes to the mirror to contemplate herself, searching for who she is as if the mirror were a lake, thus the metaphor. But, she often finds herself unhappy with what she sees, and the mirror observes this, realizes what an important role it plays in this woman's life. The last lines refer to how the woman wasted her youth busying herself with how she looked, never satisfied with her appearance and that now, she is left with her age, that progress day after day "rising like a terrible fish".
What I believe Sylvia Plath is trying to do, is comment on the relationship women have with mirrors, with appearance and perhaps how society has driven us to do so. However these are my personal observations so feel free to interpret it as you wish :)
i hv read dis poem 4 d frst tym when i was in 10th standard,,,nd it left such a deep impact on me......
i hv read dis poem 4 d frst tym when i was in 10th standard,,,nd it left such a deep impact on me......
this is the poem which i likes most.I read this poem first time in 10th standard
Just to point out Slyvia Plath was a hypercritical and selfish lady. The description at the bottom neglects the fact that when she killed herself by sealing up the kitchen and turning the stove on the children were in the next room.
If in fact you read any of her other works such as birthday present or cut it will become clear that she had a morbid fasination with death and cleary just wanted to die regardless of what others thought.
2/10 would not bang.
For my english class we had to read this poem, without knowing the title, and explain who the speaker was and what they were trying to convey as well as an argument. very vague, very difficult. it take me too long to figure it out though.
Oh God! She must have been so depressed! May she RIP..
This poem was composed when her marriage was on the rocks.. Rough patch it was.. Guess she couldn't deal with her husband having extra marital affair.. Feel sorry for her!!
I think that this poem breaches if the literal Japanese definition of reflection as water shadow..
I agree with the sensai, that there is a relation to historical Japanese translations. And that the relations she faces with her reflection reflects the average people of society making this poem applicable to the "average joe's" life.
I think the poem is about a mirror that has lived in this same house for a long time. The owner of the mirror basically worships it. The mirror is objective and therefore reflects everything as is. The womsn doesnt like what she sees in the mirror and turns to other things that will make her beautiful like the moon and candles-or a bonfire. The woman looks into the mirror she doesnt like what she sees she is probably asking herself where did it go wrong in my life. She has not aged gracefuly. She is an old woman. The miror becoming a lake may be linked to thecwoman drowning her young self in tears. "Like a terrible fish also links up to the lake but it also has a negative connotation when i think of a fish I think of something cold and scaly with leathery skin.
I think the poem is about a mirror that has lived in this same house for a long time. The owner of the mirror basically worships it. The mirror is objective and therefore reflects everything as is. The womsn doesnt like what she sees in the mirror and turns to other things that will make her beautiful like the moon and candles-or a bonfire. The woman looks into the mirror she doesnt like what she sees she is probably asking herself where did it go wrong in my life. She has not aged gracefuly. She is an old woman. The miror becoming a lake may be linked to thecwoman drowning her young self in tears it also reflects. "Like a terrible fish also links up to the lake but it also has a negative connotation when i think of a fish I think of something cold and scaly with leathery skin.
You misprinted the poem, it should read 'whatever I see I swallow immediately' not 'whatever you see' . At least get it right
I didn't understand this poem when I first read it but now a couple of years later I do. At first the mirror is only a mirror but then the woman comes into the poem the mirror is now a lake because lakes have more depth than mirrors. The woman is searching for herself in the mirror trying to understand who she is. I don't think this poem displays only a struggle with aging and fleeting beauty but also a desperation in trying to discover who you are and your importance in the world before it's too late.
a nice blog about the bell jar and sylvia http://cadalozkedi.blogspot.com/2012/08/sylvia-ile-bir-hafta.html
The second line of the poem
correctly reads as follows:
"Whatever I see I swallow immediately"
Such a sorrowful yet lovely and captivating one this poem is – just as much as the late poetess Sylvia Plath....
Are you people stupid? It is evident that "Mirror" is a poem that reflects on the inevitability of old age and death, our preoccupation with image and the the search for one's identity. Plath employs the technique of personification and the mirror is the "I" speaker. The opening of the poem states "I am silver and exact", however the mirror is given a sinister quality as it states "Whatever I see I swallow immediately".The mirror is by no means biased, what it reflects is "unmisted" by any feelings of like or dislike. The "I" speaker is somewhat cold and unfeeling (like a mirror). If one is dissatisfied with their reflection, the mirror insists "I am not cruel, only truthful". The idea of every reflection being swallowed makes it clear to the reader that the image reflected by a mirror will never be the same again. In line five the mirror refers to itself in a striking metaphore as "The eye of a little god".Whilst this may sound arrogant, I feel that it is our obsession with image that implies power here. We pay homage to the mirror that reflects our image.The phrase "over and over" suggests the transience of time. With the passage of time comes the aging process, the fear of which is explored in the poem. The second section is concerned with mirror's relationship with the woman. Plath introduces the lake metaphore "Now I am a lake". This metaphore is effective, just like the mirror, the flat surface of the lake also reflects. However the lake carries connotations of danger. It has hidden depths. The woman searches "for what she really is". She seems to be be struggling to discover her identity and this suggests to me that the mirror reveals more than just physical appearance, that it reveals deeper realities. The woman "turns to those liars, the candles and the moons", because their light has a softening effect on reflection. The mirror however "faithfully" reflects her image. Her dissatisfaction and inner torment are reflected in the phrase "tears and an agitation of hands". The woman is deeply affected by the aging process. The fact that the mirror is "important to her" highlights her insecurities. The passage of time is indicated in the line "she comes and goes". This is also highlighted with the phrase "each morning". The fact that she constantly returns to the mirror underscores the obsession with image. The dramatic effect of the closing is quite intense, the lake metaphore is extended and the woman has "drowned a young girl". The finality of drowning clearly reminds us of the transience of youth and beauty. The simile comparing old age to "a terrible fish" is a little disturbing. Old age is presented as an ugly monstrous creature lurking beneath the surface to devour us all. So you see morons, the woman is not a "nurse, a psychiatrist or her mother" or a daughter or anything! Number ONE : If you were REAL fans of Plath like you say you are, you would know that Plath had ONE daughter who was only a toddler when Plath killed herself and TWO: There is no specific woman. Plath intended it to be read as a universal theme. Let's face it, everyone is dependent on a mirror, hence we all have an obsession with image. So BOOSH! You dumb fucks just got served by a 16 year old!
i love how the language choices convey a feeling of emptiness and sadness in such a subtle way. Just like a mirror it creates a strong truthful image of how the poet is feeling. I believe also it is telling of our strong reliance and connection to image and thus mirrors, linking to how troubled and insecure plath unfortunately was. it also shows us how plath among many of us is scared of losing herself to age , how scared she is of drowning in her future self.
Thank you Anonymous 16 Year old.
I have been looking at this poem and analyses of it which mostly miss the point that this poem is as simple as it's title says 'Mirror'. It is clearly written from the perspective of the mirror observing what any mirror observes. Time passing, the insecurity of people and human fears of ageing, all from the perspective of a mirror that has and as an inanimate object can have no feeling or emotion about what it reflects.
Time passes and the things it sees/reflects constantly (the far wall) become a part of it, not again in a emotional sense, just because they are there.
However, as pointed out above, the mirror is reflecting exactly what it see, it can't do anything else, it is a mirror. The person (a woman) who owns it looks in it regularly. Which women don't? In that sense, although Plath was depressed and morbid and obviously writing from her own perspective, she is also writing as an observer of all owners of mirrors, basically all of us.
The observations the mirror makes are a factual observation of the passage of time as it affects people, and an analysis of the impact on those people as the mirror sees it. The impact is brutal because it is honest - a reflection.
Mirror(Environment is but the looking glass –it reflects what the EGO has become -through programming of the mind in a way that is not in keeping with your true nature ---and hides your true Self –Spiritual Self – this is what she is talking about – the "Journey" to find the true Self)
I am silver and exact. I have no preSelfconceptions (Mindfulness).
Whatever I see I swallow immediately(The mind at a young age accepts what it is told and believes it to be truth)
Just as it is (Acceptance), unmisted by love or dislike (Non-judgment).
I am not cruel, only truthful-(Being Childlike - seeing realty, this is what we are before the mind programming)
The eye of the little god, four cornered.
Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall(What we are focused on - opposite truth from God's truth).
It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long(Day after day we are told things over and over)
I think it is a part of my heart (I think it’s who I am). But it flickers (it is only what others have told me I am and deep inside I can almost hear the truth on myself).
Faces and darkness separate us (shadows of the mind-veils) over and over.
Now I am a lake (the mirror). A woman bends over me (I look within),
Searching “my reaches” (my unconscious mind) for what she really is (I am trying to know my own thoughts about me).
Then she turns to those liars (the people in her early environment who programmed her mind), the candles or the moon.
I see her back (My unconscious thoughts), and reflect it faithfully (you will always act out what your subconscious mind believe to be true about yourself).
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands(When I don't know the truth about who I really am - my true Self - and believe only what others have told me I am - there is only pain and agitation when I look outward vs inward for the truth).
I am important to her (I know who I am deep inside and my true Self longs to come out - I love who I really am - I want to be known- and I am Love). She comes and goes (I see but do not act upon what I see therefore the veil or darkness persists).
Each morning it is her face (true Self) that replaces the darkness(in Which I have glimpses of light – my truth).
In me she has drowned a young girl(My true Self disappeared and EGO replaced me), and in me an old woman (I still don’t know who I really am and EGO continues to rule)
Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish (EGO is the terrible fish – or Satan).
The mirror is not the speaker, the reflection is
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Plath's children were under 3 when she died and in the apartment with her. I believe this poem shows her struggle with ageing. As ageing is described as a "terrible fish" and in the reflection of the lake where this woman visits to watch her reflection age "she has drowned a young girl" is a negative view of herself ageing. I hope this helped understand the context slightly better.
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